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Make your change easy 


Freelance program and project management for impactful change projects

Habit Hero workshops for upgrading your "success" habits and mastering change.


Freelance Project and Program Management


10 years of experience in impactful change management projects from ERP changes, M&A integrations to custom finance application development

Check-out the project portfolio here.


The only 2 courses you will need for mastering habits

Ever wondered what success on auto-pilot might look like ?

The Habit Hero Workshops not only show you, but learn you to take your team to the next level


37 times more value


Make your own change projects successful, get bits and pieces of wisdom from the tribe....

Testimonials for the Habit Hero Workshops


"Enriching workshop!" - Dirk (Procter and Gamble)  "Getting 1% better everyday, would be good for struggling teams." Patrick (Bayer)

"The habit hero workshop has some impactful eye openers." - Nele (Serial Entrepreneur)

"A master class in reconciling the bigger picture with a step by step approach." - Frank (Real Estate Economist)

"Learning to stack habits to existing ones!" - Helena (Bayer)

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